Friday, July 16, 2010

And Baby Makes Three!

I’m pregnant!  My husband and I are so excited to announce that we are expecting our first baby in March!  My due date is March 4th which puts me at almost 8 weeks along. 

This has been quite a journey trying to get pregnant.  I never imagined that I would struggle with getting pregnant but I did. (And my heart breaks for the women that struggle even more than I did)  After we got married in July last year we decided that we wanted to have a baby.  Little did we know it isn’t always as easy as making that decision.  Months of heartbreak and disappointment were still to come.  It was hard because everywhere I looked I saw pregnant women or heard about women being devastated that they were pregnant.  And all I wanted was to be pregnant! 

I look at it this way.  I know that God has a plan for my life and His plans are much better than mine.  I finally started to accept that about 2 months before I finally got pregnant.  I think it was good for my husband and I to share the first year of our marriage just the two of us.  We were able to adjust to married  life and everything else that was going on around us.  After all, we moved to a new city, my husband got a new job, I decided to be a homemaker and the list goes on. 

Needless to say, we feel so blessed.  We are overwhelmed with excitement and look forward to the day we get to bring home our baby.  God is good and He knows what we needed in our lives and for that I am so thankful! 

Most women say that they know before they take a pregnancy test that they are pregnant.  Not me.  My husband wanted me to take a test so I agreed to buy one and take it just in case.  I was about a week and a half late but my cycles are always off so I really didn’t think it would be positive.  Sure enough for the first time in my life I got to look at two lines instead of one.  I wasn’t sure if I would scream  or cry but all I could do was stare.  I said WHAT!  I couldn’t believe it.  Then it started to sink in and I started shaking and just kept looking at the test just to be sure there were really two lines. 

I’m feeling pretty good.  A lot of women say one thing that happens early on in pregnancy is you get really sore breasts.  I am not experiencing that too much.  And of course, some women get morning sickness (or all day sickness) and I really haven’t experienced much of that either.  I am starting to feel it a little bit but I’ve really noticed more acid reflux than anything.  I am feeling pretty tired though.  Nothing that would have told me that I was pregnant before I took the test.  My mom had really easy pregnancies so I hope I take after her!  One thing I know though is that I will not complain even if I do get sick or whatever else may come my way.  I am so thankful to be pregnant after trying for what seemed like forever.

I have met a good friend through all of this and we have been emailing back and forth our worries and struggles because we were both going through the same thing. It has been so therapeutic to be able to connect with someone that knows exactly how I am feeling.  So if there is anyone that is struggling to get pregnant and just needs someone to “listen” send me an email.  It feels so good to get it all out!  And I always love new friends!  :) 

And for all of you mommies, I would love any tips or advice that you have for first time moms!  Pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, cloth diapering, book recommendations, ANYTHING!  I am all ears!  And thank you in advance!

So, that is why I haven’t posted anything in awhile.  I have been to doctors and busy spreading the news of my pregnancy. 

What a great anniversary gift this is!   


  1. Congratulations and welcome to motherhood! I would recommend the babywise books...they have been sooo helpful for all 3 of my little blessings!

  2. Congratulations! That's wonderful news! I wanted to share the neatest website I ran across this morning. . I have nothing to do with this site just thought it was cool and useful to a new mom-to-be. :-)


  3. Wow congrats! I have so much to say about motherhood its ridiculous! Um...first things is first, I ate mustard on crackers for breakfast with luke warm water to control morning sickness.

  4. Congratulations! I second Tamara's recommendation of Baby Center - my husband and I checked it almost daily when I was preggo with my son. I also think the What to Expect books are a great resource. Lincoln's doctor has recommended each applicable one as he's gotten older, so eventually we'll own them all. Keep us posted!

  5. ooooh, babies! love! <3 i'm so happy for you - amazing news!!! your story sounds very similar to ours. we were married in march 2008, started trying around october i think... and didn't get pregnant until april last year. as much as we wanted to start a family right away, i knew it was so good for us to have that first year together just the two of us. i'm so glad that God DOES know exactly what's best for us!!! we had our baby this year at the end of january and it's the best - soooo worth the 32 year wait! :) being a mommy is the best, and you will totally love it! i loved being pregnant and though i'm not ready for number two just yet (hubs would be fine with any time:) i was just saying to him today that i miss being pregnant. it's such a special time where it's just you and your babe. cherish it and journal!!! i have a few posts on my blog about pregnancy and all sorts of baby things if you're interested in having a browse around. and my best advice - read a couple books with varying parenting philosophies (maybe something from the baby whisperer, babywise, and dr sears) and then piece together what fits with you - your family, your values, your personality, etc. don't feel that you have to conform to just one school of thought! get a broad range and then go with your instinct. :) you'll get lots of advice along the way. take it all in... and then throw out what doesn't feel right. :) anyway, this comment has gotten out of control so i better stop! it's just that i loooove babies and i loved being pregnant and i love that your story was a little bit similar to ours. again congrats!!! (and get some rest whenever you can - no apologies!)
    adriel :)

  6. Congrats! How exciting! You and your husband are on what will be one of the most amazing journeys you will have together as a couple. I think the best advice I can give you is to follow your gut. What works for one family doesn't mean it will work for you and yours. Do what is best for your child and family! Don't let others sway you, because you are the one who is raising your child. Also talking about how you want to raise your child with your husband now is important, talk about how you feel about different types of discipline, prepare yourself the best you can, but remember that you will have to alter things based on trial and error. Also, enjoy every moment as much as you can because it goes by so fast! My oldest is already three and it feels like just yesterday I brought him home. My baby is now 18 months and I can't believe that he is so close to 2! Cherish this time with your husband, sleep in, eat out, and have fun being just the two of you, because this is the also the last time it will be just you two! Sorry this is so long! Congrats again! This is a wonderful time in your life!

  7. Congrats! That is so exciting. I agree with Hannah, enjoy this pregnancy, enjoy the time with your husband, go on a trip or two, and sleep, a lot! It is so much fun!

  8. Congratulations, Kayla! That is so exciting! You're baby is going to be so stylish having you as a mama to dress them up! :)

  9. Congratulations Kayla! I am so happy for you! I went through quite a bit myself for years before I was blessed with Little Chick! I can't tell you how happy it makes me feel when I hear someone is going to have a baby! Oh how exciting! I wish you so much joy! :)

    Mama Hen

  10. Congratulations Kayla,
    I've been a mother for 30 years (almost ;)-next month ) It is the greatest adventure I have ever embarked upon and would not give up one second of it.

  11. Hey there Kayla. I just wanted to let you know that I gave you a "shout out" on my blog yesterday cause I love this post! I hope you get some new readers because of it:
    "shout outs" on the mommyhood memos
    adriel :)

  12. Congratulations! I am so excited for you! You already know my whole story so I won't write it here...just hope to have my day will come soon...which I'm sure it will! Congrats again!
