Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Snack Ideas

I’m starting to feel the need to snack more throughout the day.  Even though I sometimes crave things like chocolate, I would prefer to have healthy, nutritious snacks. 

I love popcorn, fruit, vegetables and the list goes on.  But, I am kind of getting bored of just a plain piece of fruit.

Any ideas to spice up my snack options? 

What did you enjoy as a snack when you were pregnant?


  1. I make raw balls, grind up pecans, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, hempseeds and whatever else you want really, I mix that with some coconut flakes, cacao powder, hemp protien powder, almond butter, and coconut oil then I make little balls with them they fill you up, they are great tasting and SUPER good for you

  2. I have never been pregnant but as a nutritionist, love to eat.

    Here are some of my go to snacks:
    -hummus with veggies, crackers, or pretzels
    -Cheese and crackers
    -homemade applesauce (takes like 15 minutes to make)

    I can't think of anymore but will let you know if I do!

  3. I LIVED on apples and peanut butter!!!

  4. I was a fan of chocolate too when I was pregnant. I got my fix by making trail mix with nuts, raisins, dried cranberries, granola, etc. + a handful of morsels or M&Ms.
